Mass Delete Records in NetSuite


Everyone makes mistakes sometimes, even in NetSuite. Here's how to clean up a big mistake if you create too many records or transactions.


1. Enable 'Setup' > 'Company' > 'Enable Features' > 'Company Subtab' > 'Data Management' > 'Inline Editing.'

2. Create a saved search of the transactions or other record types you'd like to delete. In this case, I will be deleting faulty item fulfillments. Set the Main Line to 'True' to allow for editing within the saved search. Additionally, you'll want to include a field that allows inline editing such as the memo field.

3. Enable 'Edit' and click the memo field of the first line item. Then shift-left click the memo of the last line item. You should see a box with a dotted line.

  1. Finally, hover under 'New' on the far left side of the screen and click 'Delete Record.' Note that the dotted line must still be selected for this to work.

Refresh the saved search and you will see the line item count steadily drop to 0.

Page Last Updated: 5/28/24